Our mission is to supply an adequate supply of superior quality drinking water to the citizens of the Park Cities.

This district consistently produces and delivers water of the highest quality as recognized by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Did You Know?

Park Cities MUD was established in
Serves Highland Park and University Park who have
connections and a population of

Raw water is delivered from Grapevine Reservoir

Samples are tested each day to sustain quality of taste, odor and purity
Tests for water quality are done each month

Latest Past Events

Board Meeting

Dallas County Park Cities Municipal Utility District 1811 Regal Row, Dallas

(This meeting will be a Zoom meeting but staff will be present at the office)
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87989230946

Proposals Due for: Water Treatment Chemicals for fiscal year 2025

Dallas County Park Cities Municipal Utility District 1811 Regal Row, Dallas

WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS SUPPLY October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025 NOTICE TO BIDDERS   The Dallas County Park Cities Municipal Utility District is soliciting bids for water treatment chemicals for fiscal year 2025. Sealed proposals addressed to the attention of Mr. Hector Ortiz, General Manager, Dallas County Park Cities Municipal Utility District, (District) 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas 75235, ...