
June 5, 2024June 30, 2024DCPCMUD Technology Evaluation and Planning RFQ.docRequest for QualificationsDocument
May 28, 2024June 21, 2024NOTICEBID FY2025.docNotice to BiddersDocument

Chemical Spec Packet Complete 5.8.2024.doc


  1. General:  It is the intent of the District, through the Specifications, General Conditions, and Information for Suppliers, to allow interested parties to submit proposals on any item or combination of items listed herein.
  2. Supplier's Responsibility:  It is the responsibility of each supplier to be fully aware of all conditions and provisions as set forth herein, and to fully satisfy itself with all aspects of the proposed transactions prior to submitting a proposal.
  3. Time Limit:  Sealed proposals will be received in the office of the General Manager, Dallas County Park Cities Municipal Utility District, at 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas 75235, until 10:00 a.m., June 21, 2024.  All proposals received after 10:00 a.m. will be returned unopened.
  4. Opening of Proposals:  Proposals will be opened and publicly read aloud immediately thereafter in the Board Room of the District Offices at 10:00 a.m., June 21, 2024.
  5. Withdrawal of Proposals:  All proposals will be subject to acceptance for thirty (30) days after proposal opening.
  6. Right to Reject Proposals:  The District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, waive formalities, and make such purchases as may be deemed to be the best advantage of the District.  Purchase agreements will be awarded by Items, i.e., each Item designated on the proposal form shall be considered individually and purchase agreements made accordingly.
  7. Preparation of Proposals:  Proposals shall be submitted on the form provided herein.  No proposal will be considered if submitted on any other form.  Suppliers shall fill in all the blanks provided on the forms.  In the event that the supplier elects to submit proposals on certain Items and not quote on every Item, the words "No Quote" shall be inserted in the appropriate blanks.
    Suppliers shall state in the blanks provided on the proposal form the number of calendar days required for delivery of a shipment of each item which he proposes to supply after an order for shipment is placed by the District either by letter or by telephone.
  8. Delivery:  Packaging and shipping shall conform to current Federal, State, and Local regulations for the applicable chemical. The District requires that all chemical shipments be accompanied by weight certificates of a certified weigher.  All chemicals shall be quoted for delivery F.O.B. at the Dallas County Park Cities Municipal Utility District plant located at 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas 75235.
  9. Chemical Analysis:  Each supplier shall furnish a complete chemical analysis for the applicable Item which he proposes to supply, and submit it along with his proposal.  The analysis shall be complete to the extent it can be compared to the latest American National Standards Institute (ANSI), National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) and American Waterworks Association standards.  In addition, each load of chemical shall include a certificate of analysis (C of A).
    Each supplier will provide an Affidavit of Compliance with the NSF standard specified.
    The chemicals specified herein will be used in the treatment of potable water and as such, shall not contain any materials or impurities that ca cause adverse health effects on the individuals that will consume it.
  10. Warranty:  The supplier shall warrant that the quality of all deliveries made shall be as good as that of the sample submitted with his proposal.
  11. Price Decline:  Should there be a decline in the market price of the product during the period of the quote, the District shall be given the benefit of such decline in price.
  12.   Price Increases: Price will remain in effect for the initial 2-year term of the contract. After the second year, the price may be adjusted by mutual agreement using the Consumer Price Index (CPI). New pricing shall be available on or before June 1, 2025. If either party cannot agree on pricing, the District reserves the right to cancel any existing contract, advertise and request bids for any of the products on this document.     
  13.   Safety Data Sheet: All bids must contain a copy of the safety data sheet (SDS) for   the product(s) being bid.  During the year term of this contract, should the SDS change in anyway, the supplier will immediately provide a copy of the new SDS to the District.
  14. Contract Period: The District intends to award a contract to the lowest-priced, qualified bidder(s) for a period of 2 years with 2 one-year options to renew commencing October 1, 2024.
  15.   Leaks and Spills: The delivery driver will be responsible for monitoring tank levels as the product is being offloaded into the District’s bulk tanks and at no point will the driver be in a place where he/she is not in direct supervision of the offloading process. The supplier shall be responsible for any leaks and spills as a result of offloading the chemical at the District’s water treatment plant, unless the District is directly responsible for such event. These include leaks and spills related to the chemical being delivered and any vehicle fluid related leaks. 
  16. Quality: Chemicals purchased under this document shall contain no soluble material capable of producing adverse effects on the health of those consuming water that has been properly treated with them.
  17. Empty Container Disposal:  The supplier(s) shall be responsible for disposal of empty containers used to deliver chemicals to the District. These include 55-gallon drums and 275-gallon totes. The District will coordinate pick up with the supplier after using the contents. Pricing for disposal shall be included in the product’s overall unit price. 
  18.   Payment: The DCPCMUD is transitioning to electronic payment. Vendors shall be required to provide banking information to allow the District to make payments using ACH. 


1. Hydrated Lime Slurry


It is the intent of the District to solicit bids for the supply and delivery of Hydrated Lime Slurry for the purpose of softening surface water.  Based upon information provided by all parties, an award will be made based upon all factors stated herein and in the best interest of the District.  Failure to submit the requested information in the terms stated herein will result in the rejection of that bid.

Hydrated Lime Slurry shall be able to be pumped as suspension of solids in water.  The water and liquid portion of the slurry shall not contain dissolved material in sufficient quantity and/or nature injurious or objectionable for the purpose intended.  The solids portion of the mixture, when considered on the basis of "solids content", shall consist principally of hydrated lime of a quality and fineness sufficient to meet the following chemical and physical requirements:

The successful bidder must supply a Certificate of Analysis (C of A) for each and every load of Hydrated Lime Slurry.  A copy must be faxed to the water plant at the time of shipment with a "hard copy" mailed at the same time.  TYPICAL C OF A's WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.  An example C of A must accompany the bid package.  Failure to include one will be cause to reject the bid and declare the bidder as non-responsive.


The purchase of Hydrated Lime Slurry shall be based on:

    •   % Calcium Hydroxide: Ca(OH)2  

  Typical 92%

  Minimum 90%

    •   % Solids

  Typical 30%

  Minimum 28%

    •   Viscosity

  Typical 1000cps (30% Slurry)

  Maximum 1500cps (30% Slurry)

    •   % Passing a 30 mesh screen

  Typical 100% passing

  Minimum 98% passing

    •   The method of analysis shall be in accordance with AWWA Standard B202-97

If a polymer additive is used to keep the lime slurry in suspension, it shall be of food grade quality, NSF 60 approved.  It shall not contain any Epichlorhydrin or Acrylamide.

Hydrated Lime Slurry must be certified as meeting or exceeding Standard 60 as issued by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF).  The agency providing this certification must be accredited to provide such certification and does not have to be affiliated with NSF.  A letter stating that the product bid meets NSF Standard 60 must be included in this bid package.  Furthermore, since certification is issued for a specific production site, the bidder must specify where the supply of Hydrated Lime Slurry will be produced and where it will be shipped from.


Cost shall be based on dollars per ton of Hydrated Lime Slurry delivered by truck and unloaded at the water plant site(s) into the tank(s).  A typical shipment should be around eight (8) tons of material.


The Hydrated Lime Slurry is formulated by the exothermic reaction of water with calcium oxide.  The temperature of the Hydrated Lime Slurry delivered to the water plant tank(s) should not exceed 100 degrees C.  Any damage to the District's equipment from unloading high temperature slurry will be borne by the vendor.  Temperature of Hydrated Lime Slurry will be tested and recorded by the vendor’s shipper at the time of unloading.  The District reserves the right to verify the temperature of the slurry during unloading.


The "solids content" of the lime slurry (Fine Particle Grade) shall conform to the following chemical constituents:

Constituent % by Weight

Active Lime Content     >90.00  

Total Iron Oxide     < 0.23

Total Magnesium Oxide     < 0.73

Total Aluminum Oxide     < 0.10

Total Fluoride     < 0.10

Calcium Carbonate     < 3.00

* % by weight Ca(OH)2 + % by weight CaO, if present.


All billings shall be calculated and invoiced on the basis of dry lime, that is:

Total pounds of slurry delivered

X Total suspended solids (% Solids)

= Pounds of dry lime   


The Hydrated Lime Slurry shall be delivered in tanker trucks equipped with the necessary hoses and pumps to unload the material into the Hydrated Lime Slurry tank(s) specified by the District.  The bid price must be for deliveries FOB at location specified by the District.  Deliveries must be made within 2-3 days of being requested or on date specified when the product is ordered.


2. Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite

          Sodium hypochlorite shall meet the latest American National Standards Institute(ANSI)/National Sanitation Foundation Standard (NSF) 60 for Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite for drinking water and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard B300-10 for hypochlorite.  It shall be delivered as a 10% solution with a pH greater than 12; an iron concentration of less than 0.3 mg/L, a nickel and copper concentration of less than 0.1 mg/l; a specific gravity greater than 1.14; a ClO3 -  concentration  less than 1.5 g/l; delivery within 1 week of manufacture; and the storage temperature prior to delivery below 20°C (68°F).  In addition, all water used in the manufacture and/or dilution of sodium hypochlorite shall be softened to a total hardness of under 5 mg/L as CaCO_.


The liquid sodium hypochlorite shall be delivered in bulk by tank truck.  Shipment and will be ordered at minimum load volume of approximately 5,000 gallons (bulk truckload).  All shipments shall be delivered to the Water Treatment Plant, located at 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas 75235.  Supplier may be required to provide a sample of the product being delivered with each delivery for testing product quality.

The supplier shall furnish all equipment and labor necessary for unloading of the materials furnished in this proposal.


3. Liquid Sodium Hydroxide

          Sodium Hydroxide shall meet the latest American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 60 and AWWA Specification B501-08 for Liquid Sodium Hydroxide for drinking water.  It shall be delivered as a 50% solution with a pH of 14; a specific gravity greater than 1.52; delivery within 1 week of manufacture; and the storage temperature prior to delivery above  20°C (68°F). Sodium hydroxide solution shall contain no soluble material capable of producing adverse effects on the health of those consuming water that has been treated properly with sodium hydroxide. 


The liquid sodium hydroxide shall be delivered in totes/tanks, 275 to 330 gallons each.  All shipments shall be delivered to the Water Treatment Plant, located at 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas 75235.  Supplier will be required to provide a sample of the product being delivered with each delivery for testing product quality.

The supplier shall furnish all equipment and labor necessary for unloading of the materials furnished in this proposal.


4. Liquid Citric Acid

          Citric Acid shall meet the latest American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 60 for Liquid Citric Acid for drinking water.  It shall be delivered as a 50% solution with a pH less than 0.8; a total iron content of less than 0.8 ppm; a specific gravity greater than 1.24 and delivery within 1 week of manufacture. Citric Acid solution shall contain no soluble material capable of producing adverse effects on the health of those consuming water that has been treated properly with citric acid. 


The liquid citric acid shall be delivered in totes/tanks, 275 to 330 gallons each.  All shipments shall be delivered to the Water Treatment Plant, located at 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas 75235.  Supplier will be required to provide a sample bottle full of the product being delivered with each delivery for testing product quality.

The supplier shall furnish all equipment and labor necessary for unloading of the materials furnished in this proposal.


5. Liquid Hydrochloric Acid

          Hydrochloric Acid shall meet the latest American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 60 for Liquid Hydrochloric Acid for drinking water.  It shall be delivered as a 33% solution with a pH less than 1; a specific gravity greater than 1.16 and delivery within 1 week of manufacture. Hydrochloric acid solution shall contain no soluble material capable of producing adverse effects on the health of those consuming water that has been treated properly with hydrochloric acid. 


The liquid hydrochloric acid shall be delivered in 55-gallon drums.  All shipments shall be delivered to the Water Treatment Plant, located at 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas 75235.  Supplier will be required to provide a sample bottle full of the product being delivered with each delivery for testing product quality.

The supplier shall furnish all equipment and labor necessary for unloading of the materials furnished in this proposal.


6. Liquid Sodium Bisulfite

          Sodium Bisulfite shall meet the latest American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 60 for Liquid Sodium Bisulfite for drinking water.  It shall be delivered as a 38% solution with a pH greater than 3; specific gravity greater than 1.28 and delivery within 1 week of manufacture. Sodium bisulfite solution shall be a clear liquid containing no more than 0.15% insoluble matter by weight. Total iron content must be less than 0.03%; sodium sulfate content must be less than 2% and shall contain no soluble material or organic substances capable of producing adverse effects on the health of those consuming water that has been treated properly with sodium bisulfite. 


The liquid sodium bisulfite shall be delivered in 55-gallon drums. All shipments shall be delivered to the Water Treatment Plant, located at 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas 75235.  Supplier will be required to provide a sample bottle full of the product being delivered with each delivery for testing product quality.

The supplier shall furnish all equipment and labor necessary for unloading of the materials furnished in this proposal.


7. Ferric Sulfate Solution:  

Liquid ferric sulfate shall be a manufacturer's guaranteed constantcharacteristic 50% (12% Fe3+) solution approved for use as a primary coagulant in public drinking water supply treatment and meeting the latest National Sanitation Foundation standard for Ferric Sulfate (ANSI/NSF 60) complete with all supplemental revisions thereto. 

An affidavit of compliance will be required stating that the liquid ferric meets or exceeds ANSI/NSF 60. 

The liquid ferric sulfate will be delivered by tank truck.  Shipment, as required, will be ordered at truck lot quantities.  All shipments shall be delivered to the Water Treatment Plant, located at 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas. 

The supplier shall furnish all equipment and labor necessary for unloading of the materials furnished in this proposal.

Each truckload delivery of the liquid ferric sulfate shall be accompanied by a certificate of analysis (C of A), signed by an authorized representative of the company, listing the values of the following parameters: Specific Gravity, wt.% total iron, wt.% ferric iron, wt.% free acidity as H2SO4.

    1. Sample with Proposal:

Supplier shall submit with his proposal a onepound (1 lb.) sample together with analysis to include the following:

Water soluble iron sulfates expressed as Fe %

Water soluble Fe3+ %

Water Soluble Fe2+ Max.%

Aluminum %

Insolubles, Total %

Sulfates, other than Iron %

    1. Price Adjustment:

The supplier agrees to an adjustment of price proportionate to the amount of water soluble Fe3+ as expressed in the analysis of the sample as submitted with the proposal.  The adjustment scale will be based upon the assumption that a sample having a Fe3+ content of onehalf the contract value is worth half the contract price.  Contract Fe3+ content shall be taken to be the value determined by the sample submitted with the proposal.

    1. Testing of Deliveries:

The quality of the ferric sulfate in each shipment of material will be determined from the analysis of a composite sample collected on the arrival of such shipment at the District Water Treatment Plant.  Representative samples will be taken by purchaser from each delivered shipment for immediate testing to determine if the material is to be accepted or rejected.  The analysis is to be made by an authorized chemist of the District and his analysis shall be final and binding upon the parties as to whether or not the material comes up to the quality called for in these specifications.

    1. Rejection of Any Shipment Not Meeting Specifications:

The District may reject and refuse delivery of any materials which fall below the quality designated in these specifications.  The District shall be permitted fortyeight (48) hours after delivery of shipment to make an analysis of the material and to permit the District to exercise this right of rejection.


8. Liquid Ammonium Sulfate

Liquid ammonium sulfate shall be chemically pure and shall meet the latest National Sanitation Foundation (ANSI/NSF) Standard 60 for ammonium sulfate for use in municipal drinking water and meets requirements for ANSI/AWWA B302-00 01/01/01.  It should have a specific gravity of 1.2 - 1.22 at 25°C (77°F); a density of 10.0 - 10.17 lbs./gal. at 25°C (77°F); a freezing point _-18°C (_4°F); and a pH (as supplied) of approximately 5.


The liquid ammonium sulfate shall be delivered in bulk by tank truck.  Shipment, as required, will be ordered at minimum load volume of approximately 5,000 gallons (full truckload).  All shipments shall be delivered to the Water Treatment Plant, located at 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas, 75235.  Supplier may be required to provide a sample bottle full of the product being delivered with each delivery for testing of product quality.

The supplier shall furnish all equipment and labor necessary for unloading of the materials furnished in this proposal.


9. Granular Activated Carbon

(Please note the addition of removal of the 9” of support sand and replacement with GAC for a total of 33” beginning in in 2025.)

The existing 24-inches of granular activated carbon (GAC) plus 9” of support sand shall be removed, properly disposed in accordance with all environmental regulations, and replaced with new GAC media in two of the existing 8 filters as noted below and in Figure 1.

All of the new GAC shall comply with the most recent editions of the standards of NSF No. 61, AWWA B100 (Granular Filter Material) and AWWA B604 (Granular Activated Carbon).

The GAC shall be capable of removing turbidity, color, tastes, odors and other organic contamination from water pretreated by conventional water treatment processes.

The GAC shall be made from selected grades of bituminous coal capable of withstanding repeated back wash procedures without significant change in physical sizes and shall be suitable for terminal reactivation and reuse.

All activated carbon shall be from coal mined in North America, manufactured into activated carbon in the United States, by a manufacturer who shall be a corporation with headquarters in the United States.

GAC shall be FiltraSorb 300 by Calgon Carbon Corp.; GAC 300 by NORIT Americas; or equal.

GAC shall be transported, delivered and placed in a careful manner to exclude all dust, dirt, or deleterious material and to prevent physical damage to the particles.  GAC media shall be installed in a minimum of two lifts. Following the installation of the GAC, the filter shall be backwashed for a total period of at least 30 minutes in order to wash out dirt and impurities.  This will require several separate, consecutive, backwashes at an expansion of not less than 50 percent followed by a slow closing of the wash water valve.  Adequate cleansing shall be evidenced by the absence of backwash water discoloration.

Following this backwash, the top 1inch of GAC shall be removed and discarded. The final depth of carbon shall be 33-inches. Sufficient excess GAC shall be placed initially to allow for scraping. The GAC shall then be leveled. The depth of GAC shall be measured in place after backwashing and filtering for 1 hour.

    1. The bituminous coal base granular activated carbon shall have the following physical properties:
      1.       Mesh Size, U.S. Sieve Series:                          8 by 30
      2.       Percent Passing No. 8 Sieve:                           85 to 100
      3.       Percent Passing No. 30 Sieve:                         0 to 4
      4.       Effective Size, mm:                                           0.8 to 1.0
      5.       Uniformity Coefficient:                                     2.1 or less
      6.         Mean Particle Diameter, mm:                         1.5 to 1.7
      1.       Apparent Density, Backwashed

             and Drained, g/cu cm:                                      0.39 to 0.56

      1.         Particle Density, Wetted in Water g/cu cm:     1.3 to 1.4
      2.         Ash, Maximum Percent:                                   10
      3.         Iodine Number, Minimum:                                900
      4.       Abrasion Number, Minimum (ASTM):         78
    1. The GAC media shall be placed in existing filters with the following design criteria:

Number of filters that shall have GAC media replaced:   

2 - Filters #4 and #6

Number of cells in each filter:                   1

Dimensions of each filter cell:

        Filter Area                                             720 sq.ft.

    Length                                                           30’-0”

        Width                                                      24’-0”

GAC media depth                                      33-inches    



DATE   June 11, 2023

Pursuant to the foregoing Notice to Bidders and having examined the Specifications and General Conditions, the undersigned supplier hereby proposes to furnish for a period of one (1) year beginning on October 1, 2022, all labor, materials, and equipment, and to perform all work necessary for the furnishing and delivery of the chemicals which he/she proposes to furnish for the following prices, towit:



Item I. Liquid Lime Slurry: (Hydrated): (Estimated Quantity per year -                                                                                             1700 tons)

Designated quantities delivered F.O.B. 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas, within     3      calendar days from notifications by District, as per attached Specifications and General conditions, for the following unitprice per Ton:

                            Dollars and                       Cents ($                       )


Item II. Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite 10%: (Estimated Usage per year - 750 Tons)

Designated quantities delivered F.O.B. 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas, within__3___ calendar days from notifications by District, as per attached Specifications and General conditions, for the following unit-price per Ton:

______________Dollars and ___________Cents($                       )


Item III. Liquid Sodium Hydroxide 50%: (Estimated Usage per year - 2,500 gallons)

  Designated quantities delivered F.O.B. 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas, within    3       calendar days from notifications by District, as per attached Specifications and General conditions, for the following unitprice per gallon:

                            Dollars and                       Cents ($                       )

Item IV. Liquid Citric Acid 50%: (Estimated Usage per year - 5000 gallons)

Designated quantities delivered F.O.B. 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas, within    3       calendar days from notifications by District, as per attached Specifications and General conditions, for the following unitprice per gallon:

                            Dollars and                       Cents ($                       )

Item V. Liquid Hydrochloric Acid 33%: (Estimated Usage per year - 165  gallons)

Designated quantities delivered F.O.B. 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas, within      3     calendar days from notifications by District, as per attached Specifications and General conditions, for the following unitprice per gallon:

                            Dollars and                       Cents ($                       )

Item VI. Liquid Sodium Bisulfite 38%: (Estimated Usage per year - 1000 gallons)

Designated quantities delivered F.O.B. 1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas, within     3      calendar days from notifications by District, as per attached Specifications and General conditions, for the following unitprice per gallon:

                            Dollars and                       Cents ($                       )

Item VII. Ferric Sulfate 50% Solution: (Estimated Usage per year  780 Tons)

Designated quantities delivered F.O.B.  1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas, within     3      calendar days from notifications by District, as per attached Specifications and General conditions, for the following unitprice per Ton weight:

                            Dollars and                       Cents ($                       )


Item VIII. Liquid Ammonium Sulfate: (Est. Usage per year - 155 Tons)

Designated quantities delivered F.O.B.  1811 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas, within      3      calendar days from notifications by District, as per attached Specifications and General conditions, for the following unitprice per pound weight (1 lb):

                            Dollars and                       Cents ($                       )

Item IX. Granular Activated Carbon: (Estimate – 4,000 ft3 total: 2000 ft3 Per filter)

Removal and disposal of existing granular activated carbon (GAC) and supply and installation of new GAC in two filters.  Includes all labor and materials:: _____       ______Dollars and                                          Cents ($___________         _)

Respectfully submitted,







(Seal, if proposed supplier is a corporation.)